KanColle Wiki
Wikia October 18th Update Banner
Time until maintenance starts: Time until maintenance ends:

Maintenance start date and time: October 18th 2017 11:00
Expected maintenance end date and time: October 18th 2017 19:30
Actual maintenance end date and time: October 18th 2017 19:30


End of Saury 2017 Mini-Event[]

  • The Saury 2017 Mini-Event comes to an end.
    • Saury limited-time quests will no longer be available.
    • Any Saury in possession will disappear from the inventory.

End of Coastal Defense Ships (DE) Limited-time Drop[]

KanColle Android Updated to 1.0.11[]

  • Update required from DMM GAMES App.

Seasonal CG[]

Yukata, Saury mode, Fishing mode Seasonal CGs are over.

  • Each respective Seasonal mode will be added into the Library.

The following girls have new/returning Seasonal CG:

UI Enhancements[]

  • Button changes
    • Sortie and Expedition section's UI/Button has been slightly changed/updated.
  • Fixes
    • In the Composition and Resupply sections, the nuisance of where you had trouble in controls due to the smoke coming out from the Damaged Ships has been fixed.
  • OPTION update
    • It is now possible to mute the BGM and other sounds with One Click.
  • Furniture store UI update
    • The Furniture Store/Internal Change has been slightly changed/updated.
    • For Furnitures with Headquarters BGM change, a Music Fairy will be shown.

Expedition update[]


【KanColle】New Expedition Feature Provisional Resupply-0

  • New "provisional resupply " in expedition page.
    • NOTE: Quest D25 must be cleared first in order to obtain the item (遠征「臨時補給」開放) that allows such function.
    • Can be used in the Expedition Preparation section by fulfilling a certain requirement
    • Can be used to resupply the expedition fleet on the expedition start screen.
    • No additional item is required in order to use provisional resupply.

New expeditions[]

  • Expeditions A2 and A3 can give Great Success without sparkling or special equipment.
  • Expedition 24 needs to be cleared for A3 to appear. Other requirements are uncertain.

# Name Time HQ Ship Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Rewards
A1 兵站強化任務 00:25 15 20 (?) 45 45
A2 海峡警備行動 00:55 40 45 (?) 70 40 10 "Development material"x1 "Instant repair"x1
A3 長時間対潜警戒 02:15 55 70 120 60 60 "Instant repair"x1 "Development material"x2

# Name Time HQ Ship Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Rewards
A1 兵站強化任務 00:25 36 48 (?) 108 108
A2 海峡警備行動 00:55 44 49 (?) 76 44 11 "Development material"x1 "Instant repair"x1
A3 長時間対潜警戒 02:15 24 31 53 27 27 "Instant repair"x1 "Development material"x2

# Name Time Σ(Lv) Flagship icon Minimum Fleet Size Drum Fuel Ammunition
A1 兵站強化任務 00:25 10 Lv 5 3DD/DE 1XX -3.5
A2 海峡警備行動 00:55 Lv 25 4DD/DE
Anti-Submarine 180+
Anti-Air 70+
-5 -2
A3 長時間対潜警戒 02:15 185 Lv 35 1CL 4DD/DE
1-2 DD 4-3 DE
Anti-Submarine 280+ ASW
-6.5 -3.5

Aircraft Carrier Cut-in (CVCI) update[]

  • CVCI has been updated where the Aircraft's Proficiency will determine the Attack Success Rate/Critical Attack Success Rate/Critical Damage Output and etc.
  • The first slot bomber will also increase the attack success rate depending on its proficiency.

New Quests[]

ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note
B107 補給線の安全を確保せよ!
Secure the Safety of the Transportation Route!
Sortie a fleet with Light Cruiser as flagship, 2 or more Destroyers/Coastal Defense Ships. You may bring up to 3 additional ships.
Sortie to World 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 and obtain at least A-rank victories at the boss node.
300 / 300 / 0 / 0 Food supply ship irako X 1
Underway Replenishment 146 CardUnderway Replenishment 146 CardUnderway Replenishment x 1
Requires: ?
D25 遠征「補給」支援体制を強化せよ!
Reinforce the Expedition Resupply Support Regime!
Prepare 800 Steel in your inventory, complete Expedition A1. 200 / 200 / 0 / 0 Provisional Resupply CardProvisional Resupply CardProvisional Resupply
Combat Ration 145 Full X 2
Requires: B107
D26 近海に侵入する敵潜を制圧せよ!
Suppress the Enemy Ships intruding into the close seas!
Complete Expedition 4, A2, and A3 twice each per Expedition. 0 / 1000 / 0 / 300 Improvement Materials X 3,
Type 95 Depth Charge 226 CardType 95 Depth Charge 226 CardType 95 Depth Charge
Requires: D24, D25

Quarterly Quest

Developer tweets[]

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Pre Update


Currently KanColle is going through the Naval Base Saury Festival 2017. Also the Ship Girls' Saury mode, Fishing mode, and Taste of Autumn mode is currently available for limited-time. For the Ship Girls' "Autumn Casual Outfits" mode which started this year, there will be additional content coming up during the next update. Please look forward to it a bit!



Currently KanColle is going through the Naval Base Saury Festival. The currently available Ship Girl Yukata Limited-time seasonal mode will only be available till the next maintenance! We hope for the best for the Festival and the Ship Girls! And we are getting deeper into the season of Autumn... During the next update, some of the ship girls will receive the seasonal Autumn Casual Outfit mode content!



Currently KanColle is going through the Naval Base Saury Festival 2017. Also the Ship Girls' Saury mode, Fishing mode, and Taste of Autumn mode is currently available for limited-time. The "Autumn Casual Outfits" mode will have additional content coming up during the next update. Please look forward to it a bit!



Currently KanColle Development Team is under preparation for the release of the next Maintenance & Update. The next Maintenance is scheduled for next week Wednesday, October 18th. Also, a small maintenance and update is scheduled to take place in the next following week after on Wednesday, October 25th!



KanColle's Next Maintenance & Update is scheduled for October 18th, Wednesday. After this Maintenance, the currently running Autumn Naval Base Saury Festival will come to an end. For Fleets that are sortieing out Saury Fishing for this season, we hope that you will be able to reach the goal of obtaining the 17th Type Saury Flag!



0930. Admirals, Good morning! Today is Wednesday! The middle of the week, Wednesday is here. On Wednesday October 18th, the next Server Maintenance & Updates will take place. Along with the Saury Fishing Support, the availability of the Coastal Defense Ships will both end together through this Maintenance. Let's do our best today as well!

マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!週の真ん中、水曜日となりました。【10/18(水)】には稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンスを実施予定です。今季の秋刀魚漁支援及び同期間中の海防艦邂逅も同突入を以て終了です。本日も頑張ってまいりましょう!


The next KanColle Regular Server Maintenance is currently scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th. Through this update, there will be a slight system update in preparation for next year Spring., and it will also include the New Ship Girls' Autumn Casual Outfit mode content. KanColle of Autumn, please look forward to it a bit!



The next KanColle Regular Server Maintenance is planned for October 18th, Wednesday. Also, on October 25th, which was also the fateful day of the 3rd fleet of the 1st commando unit, also known as the "Nishimura Fleet", we will be going through maintenance and updates, which is planned be the final update to take place before the Fall 2017 Event.



Currently the KanColle Development Team is in preparation for the regular server maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th. Via this Maintenance, this season's Naval Base Saury Festival will come to an end. Also in the same update, some minor Autumn contents are expected to be included as well.



During the next Regular Server Maintenance & Updates on Wednesday, October 18th, Truk Anchorage and Lingga Anchorage servers will be receiving a major renonvation and expansion to have the server become more durable. Everyone from Truk and Lingga Anchorage thank you for waiting!



The next KanColle Regular Server Maintenance & Update is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 18th at 11:00. Through this Maintenance, the Naval Base Saury Festival of this season will come to an end. Before this maintenance, please make sure to have checked the Quests related, and have the Saury "cooked" beforehand.

次回の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、【10/18(水) 11:00】より実施予定です。同メンテ突入を以て、今季の鎮守府「秋刀魚」祭りは展開終了となります。メンテ突入前に同関連【任務】を確認の上、「秋刀魚」を調理して頂けますようお願い致します!


The next KanColle Regular Server Maintenance & Update taking place two days later on Wednesday, October 18th will include the main modernization of Truk Anchorage and Lingga Anchorage Servers, minor updates, and will include the seasonal Autumn Casual Outfit mode for certain Ship Girls. Please look forward to it a bit!



The next KanColle Maintenance & update will be taking place tomorrow October 18th Wednesday. The start time will be at 11:00, and is estimated to end at 19:30. Through this Maintenance, this Season's Naval Base Saury Festival will come to an end. Please be advised.



0930. Admirals, good morning! Today is Wednesday! Today from 11:00, the Regular Server Maintenance & Update will be taking place. Wednesday of Autumn. Let's stay healthy and do our best today!

マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!本日はこの後11:00より、稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートを実施致します。秋の水曜日、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!


KanColle Servers will be going through Maintenance & Update starting from today at 11:00. The End is estimated to be at 19:30. Through this Maintenance, the Naval Base Saury Festival of this season will come to an end. Please make sure to double check the related quests and "Cook" all Saury you have in possession before the Maintenance!



Today at 11:00, the scheduled Maintenance & Update will begin. The Saury of this season have fast legs, and therefore will disappear upon the start of the Maintenance. For the Saury you have obtained through the Naval Base Saury Festival, after double checking your Quests, please make sure to "Cook" your Saury before the Maintenance! Grilled Saury is tasty, but you may also have it cooked into the Canned Mackerel.



Maintenance Status: All servers gone into Maintenance. All running KanColle Servers have entered into their Maintenance & Update Progress. It is expected to end at 19:30. This season's Naval Base Saury Festival has come to an end. Admirals, thank you for your hard work in your support for capturing the Saury!

メンテナンス状況:稼働全サーバ群、メンテナンスに突入しました。 「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群はメンテナンス&アップデート作業に突入しました。本メンテは、【19:30】作業完了を予定しています。今季鎮守府「秋刀魚」祭りは終了です。提督の皆さん、秋刀魚漁支援、お疲れさまでした!


Maintenance Status: Maintenance is in progress. Currently all running KanColle Servers are in midle of Maintenance progress. Today's Maintenance includes the modernization and expansion of Truk Anchorage and Linggua Anchorage Servers. Various data are carefully being migrated to a new Server.

メンテナンス状況:メンテナンス作業中です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス作業を実施中です。本メンテ作業では、「トラック泊地サーバ」及び「リンガ泊地サーバ」の本格的な近代化改修&同拡張も実施しています。各種データを慎重に新投入サーバ群に移行作業中です。


メンテナンス状況:メンテナンス作業中です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンスを実施中です。作業は後半のシークエンスに移行しました。本メンテに伴うアップデートでは、艦娘「秋の私服」mode追加実装の他に、少し地味ですが今秋のいくつかの更新も予定しています!

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Patch notes


We will now be announcing the contents from today's Maintenance

01 The End of the Naval Base Saury Festival All quests relating to the limited time Naval Base Saury Festival 2017 has now ended.

Admirals who participating in the fishing, thank you for your hard work!

本日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群メンテナンスに伴う、アップデート情報をお知らせしてまいります。 01▼今季【鎮守府「秋刀魚」祭り】の展開完了 期間限定実装の【鎮守府「秋刀魚」祭り二〇一七】、全任務終了です。 同漁業支援に従事された提督の皆さん、大変お疲れさまでした!


02 Limited time Saury, Fishing, Yukata, Happi mode contents have now ended. Alongside the Naval Base Saury Festival, the Ship Girls' Saury mode, Fishing mode has now come to an end, along with the end of Yukata and Happi mode as well. Each respective New seasonal mode of the Ship Girls will be added into the Ship Girl Library.

02▼期間限定「秋刀魚」「F作業」「浴衣」「法被」modeの実装終了 鎮守府「秋刀魚」祭りに伴い、艦娘「秋刀魚」mode及び「F作業」modeが今季期間限定実装を終了、また「浴衣」「法被」modeも期間限定実装を終了します。各新規艦娘modeは、艦娘図鑑に格納されます。


03 Start of Content for Sendai's Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode, for the Late Autumn season.

Light Cruiser Sendai will be receiving Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode content.

This year's Autumn is getting deeper as well. We hope all the best for the Light Cruisers of the Autumn and the Autumn Night Battle!

03▼「川内」に艦娘「秋の私服」mode、晩秋に向けて追加実装開始 軽巡「川内」に艦娘「秋の私服」modeを実装開始します。今年の秋も少しずつ、深まってきます。秋の軽巡たちや、秋の夜戦も引き継き、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!


04 Shiranui's Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode content start. Kagerou-class Destroyer Shiranui will be receiving Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode content. The Kagerou-class 2nd Ship wearing Autumn Hoodie to move around easily. When fired up, she will have her equipment set, and ready to fire. Making a mistake... won't happen!

04▼「不知火」に艦娘「秋の私服」mode追加実装開始 陽炎型駆逐艦「不知火」に艦娘「秋の私服」modeを実装開始します。動きやすい秋のパーカーを身にまとった陽炎型駆逐艦二番艦。火急の時は兵装を展開、迎撃態勢に。落ち度なぞ…もちろん、ありません!


05 Akigumo and Fujinami's Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode content start. Destroyer Akigumo, Destroyer Fujinami will also be receiving Ship Girl's Autumn Casual mode content.

Akigumo who is busy for the Late Autumn is in preparation for war even while out.

Fujinami is also out wearing a beautiful Autumn Casual Dress, while wearing glasses.

05▼「秋雲」「藤波」に艦娘「秋の私服」mode追加実装開始 駆逐艦「秋雲」、駆逐艦「藤波」にも艦娘「秋の私服」modeを実装開始です。晩秋に向けてがぜん忙しくなってきた「秋雲」は外出時もある意味臨戦態勢。「藤波」も秋の私服でお洒落して、おそろの眼鏡装備でお出掛けです。


06 Amagiri and Sagiri Ship Girl's Autumn Casuals mode/updated content start Special-type II Destroyer Amagiri will be receiving Autumn Casual mode content. Also, Sagiri's Autumn Casual mode will be updated from Saury mode to Halloween mode. Amagiri and Sagiri Sisters of Late Autumn, we hope all the best for them!

06▼「天霧」「狭霧」に艦娘「秋の私服」mode/差分追加実装開始 特II型駆逐艦「天霧」に艦娘「秋の私服」modeを実装開始です。また、同「狭霧」の「秋の私服」modeが秋刀魚からハロウィンに差分更新されます。晩秋の「天霧」「狭霧」姉妹もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!


07 Ship Girl Halloween & Oktoberfest mode Limited-time Content Start Libeccio's Halloween mode, and Lebe's Oktoberfest mode will start again for this year. Also, for this Autumn Mizuho will be having some Halloween related stuff decorated, and be sortieing out in Halloween mode for this late Autumn!

07▼艦娘「ハロウィン」及び「オクトーバーフェスト」mode期間限定実装開始 今年もリベの「ハロウィン」mode、リーベの「オクトーバーフェスト」modeを実装開始です。また、今秋は「瑞穂」も三方の上にハロウィン的な何かを載せた「ハロウィン」差分modeで抜錨予定です!


08 Souryuu's Ship Girl Autumn Casuals mode content start Fleet Carrier Souryuu will be receiving Ship Girl Autumn Casual mode content. 2nd Carrier Division who is wearing Autumn Outfit making her feel like a University Student. Along with Hiryuu who had finished her limited-time flights for the KanColle Jet CA mode, we hope for the best!

08▼「蒼龍」に艦娘「秋の私服」mode追加実装開始 航空母艦「蒼龍」に艦娘「秋の私服」modeを実装開始します。女子大生的な秋の装いを身にまとった二航戦。先日期間限定運航を終えた「艦これ」ジェットCAmodeの「飛龍」共々、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!


09 UI/Button Change We are sorry it's a really minor update, but the Sortie and Expedition section's UI/Button has been slightly changed/updated. ※ In Expedition, a new mechanic has been included, which will be described later. ※ Also in the Composition and Resupply section, the nuisance of where you had trouble in controls due to the smoke coming out from the Damaged Ships has been fixed.

09▼UI/表示系の更新 とても地味な更新で恐縮ですが、「出撃」画面及び「遠征」画面等のUI/表示系を一部改修/更新します。 ※「遠征」では、後述する新機能も併せて実装しました。 ※また、「編成」「補給」時にダメージ艦からの煙で操作しにくい症状も併せて改善しました。


10 OPTION's UI update We are sorry this is barely an update, but the UI for the Sound Control in the OPTION has been slightly changed, where you are now able to mute the BGM and other sounds with One Click. Also, by clicking the Speaker Button, you will be able to go back your previous Volume settings, where at once you will be able to Mute and return back to previous settings.

10▼OPTIONのUI更新 こちらも地味な更新で恐縮ですが、OPTION【音量設定】のUIを一部改修、BGM等のワンクリックによる音量設定が可能に。また、各スピーカーボタンをクリックすることで、元の各音量設定を記録した上で、瞬時にミュート及び復活が可能となりました。


11 UI change to the Furniture Store We are sorry it's barely an update again. The UI for the Furniture Store has been changed changed/updated.

  • The Furniture Store/Internal Change has been slightly changed/updated.
  • For Furnitures with Headquarters BGM change, a Music Fairy will be shown.
  • There are no update towards the Furniture Shop's available products.

11▼【家具屋さん】関連のUI更新 さらに地味な更新で恐縮です、「家具屋さん」等のUIを改修/更新します。

  • 家具屋さん/模様替え共に地味に改修/更新します。
  • ♪母港BGM付き家具には、楽器妖精さんが表示されます。
  • 今回は「家具屋さんのお品書き」の更新はありません。


12 Expedition Update/Expansion Expedition has been updated/expanded. Drum Canister's Icon shown has been updated, along with Daihatsu-based Equipment being shown up to 4 for the Expedition participating Ships. The available Expeditions per each World has also been expanded. Along with it, for Expedition Preparation...

12▼【遠征】の更新/拡張 「遠征」を更新/拡張しました。「ドラム缶(輸送用)」表示アイコンを更新、さらに、遠征参加艦艇の「大発」及び「特内火艇」系装備の各搭載状況も、最大四装備まで確認できるようになりました。各海域「遠征」種類も拡張されます。さらに、「遠征」準備では…


13 Temporary Resupply New Content In the Expedition Preparation section, if you are able to fulfill a certain requirement, In the Expedition Start Screen, with One Touch, you will be able to Resupply the Expedition Fleet via "Temporary Resupply".

  • For use of Temporary Resupply, no additional item is required
  • By Quests and Expedition you will be able to use this.

13▼【臨時補給】の新実装 「遠征」準備では、ある条件を満たすことで、「遠征」出発画面でワンタッチで 遠征艦隊へ補給を実施する【臨時補給】を活用することが可能となりました。

  • 【臨時補給】の展開に、課金アイテム等は不要です。
  • 任務及び遠征によって、展開可能となります。


14 New Expeditions Additional Content Expedition has been expanded, where a total of 3 New Expeditions as stated below have been added.

  • Equipment Reinforcement Mission
  • Strait Security Action
and etc.
  • In the New additional Expeditions, along with the Ships and Composition, ASW, Anti-Air, and LoS are required for your Fleet at a certain level.

14▼【新遠征】の追加実装 「遠征」が拡張され、下記を含む計三種類の【新遠征】を実装しました。

  • 兵站強化任務
  • 海峡警備行動 他
  • 追加実装された新遠征では、艦種や編成と共に「対潜」「対空」「索敵」などの各艦隊戦力の充実もある程度必要となってきます。


15 New Quests content There are total of 3 New Quests which includes the following below.

  • Suppress the Enemy Ships intruding into the close seas!
  • Reinforce the Expedition Resupply Support Regime!
  • To receive each Quests, they respectively require certain requirements for them to trigger.

15▼【新任務】の実装 下記を含む計三種類の【新任務】を実装しました。

  • 近海に侵入する敵潜を制圧せよ!
  • 遠征「補給」支援体制を強化せよ!
  • 各任務の受諾には、それぞれトリガーとなる受諾条件の達成が必要です。


16 Aircraft Carrier 「Unified Bombing」 Cut-In Attack Update The Day Battle Aircraft Cut-In Attack, which triggers from Dive Bomber, Torpedo Bomber, and Fighter, via Aircrafts the Aircraft Carrier utilizes. This Attack has been updated where the Aircraft's Proficiency will determine the Attack Success Rate/Critical Attack Success Rate/Critical Damage Output and etc. Also...

16▼航空母艦「戦爆連合」カットイン攻撃の更新 「艦戦」「艦爆」「艦攻」など、航空母艦の運用する艦載機の構成によって繰り出す「昼間航空カットイン攻撃」。同攻撃が更新、攻撃隊の熟練度によって、攻撃成功率/クリティカル攻撃成功率/クリティカル攻撃威力等が上昇します。 また…


17 Aircraft Cut-In Attack: 【Commanding Aircraft Squadron】 Specification Update The Aircraft Cut-In Attack which triggers depending on the compositions of Aircrafts used. For the Attack Squadron which utilizes this Cut-In Attack, if equipped onto the 1st Equipment Slot, this 1st Slot Aircraft Squadron will become the Commanding Aircraft Squadron, and depending on its Proficiency, the Attack Success Rate will increase.

17▼航空カットイン攻撃:【隊長機編隊】仕様の実装 艦載機の構成によって繰り出される昼間航空カットイン攻撃。同カットイン攻撃を構成する攻撃隊に第一スロット装備が含まれる時、この第一スロットの航空部隊が【隊長機編隊】となり、その熟練度によって攻撃成功率等を上昇させます。


18 Ship Girl Late Autumn Voice limited-time content start! Ship Girls' Saury Seasonal Voice has ended, where certain Ship Girls will return to having their original Autumn Voicelines, while around 30 Ship Girls will receive Late Autumn Voicelines. Also, for some of the Ship Girls, they will receive the Ship Girl "Eve of Battle" voiceline content!

The next Fall Event will take place next Month!

18▼艦娘「晩秋ボイス」等の期間限定実装を開始! 艦娘「秋刀魚」ボイスが実装終了に共に一部の艦娘は「秋ボイス」に戻り、さらに三十余隻の艦娘に「晩秋ボイス」を実装しました。そして、何隻かの艦娘には艦娘「決戦前夜」ボイスを実装開始しました! 今季秋イベは…来月作戦開始です!

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Post-maintenance tweets



Twitter avatars[]

Teaser-2017-10-06-A Teaser-2017-10-07-A Teaser-2017-10-10-A Teaser-2017-10-12-A
Teaser-2017-10-13-A Teaser-2017-10-14-A Teaser-2017-10-15-A Teaser-2017-10-16-B
Teaser-2017-10-17-A Teaser-2017-10-18-A Teaser-2017-10-18-B Teaser-2017-10-18-C